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Greenfield Spotlight – Mr. Glasheen

Greg Glasheen has been with Greenfield since 2017. He is one of our awesome 5th grade teachers, teaching Science & Social Studies!

Getting To Know Mr. Glasheen
I grew up in Bucks County and graduated from the Council Rock School District. I double-majored in Elementary Education and English at Vanderbilt University. After earning my degree, I returned to PA and have been (pretty much!) teaching here since. I am very interested in helping students “read the word and the world,” using analytical skills to make meaning from all they observe and experience. I enjoy reading, running, playing with my daughter, and the occasional round of golf!

What’s the most important thing you hope students will learn or take-away from your class?
I love receiving notes at the end of the year from students and parents, and the comment that always makes my heart swell is “you helped me to see and think differently.” My goal is to help kids think differently so that they are equipped to make a difference.

What makes you proudest about Greenfield?
I am proud to be part of the community here. The people are special: thoughtful, caring, generous, and realistic. You can have tough conversations here, and people welcome them with grace and professionalism. At the same time, we can laugh and joke together…and I am referring to both the parents and kids of Greenfield!

Check out more Greenfield Spotlights!

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